Friday, March 11, 2011

It's a quarter after 3... and I can't sleep...

I'm thinking God has me awake at this hour for some reason.  So I thought I would try this blog thing.  I miss writing and also think this might be a way to save the world.  You're laughing, but you see, I am an Aries and I believe in such things.  So why do people blog?  Do they think their ideas are so superior that everyone wants to read about them?  Does anyone really read blogs?

I'm at the age of change.  I won't bother you with the gorry details of night sweats, heart palpations, and sleepless nights... ohhhhh I did just bother you.  I'm not sure I want to be changed.  I like the old me... well, at least most of the time.  I'm not sure what the new me will be like.  I already know she won't be able to remember anything, will have trouble concentrating... and I'm hoping this sleep thing will go away.  But maybe I only need five hours of sleep and the rest of the time should be spent saving the world.

You will find I am a very opinionated person. These opinions do not reflect my employer's opinion... or whatever that legal jargon is when newscasters have editorials.  My position probably sometimes should not voice opinions on certain issues... but how will I save the world if my opinions are not published?  You will find while I am opioninated, I try to look at all angles of any given subject.  As I 'change' I find my interests also change.  Or I should say they become deeper.

Tonight I think about the Wisconsin Government revoking the collective bargaining rights of state workers.  This is very personal to me.  Yes, I am pro union.  Let me explain why.  My great-grandfather moved here from A... see there goes the brain.  It's a country in Euorpe that begins with an 'A'.  I won't let that detail distract me from continuing.  He was a coal miner and fought in the coal mine wars of Christian County.  He fought for unionization so that all of us could have safe working conditions, fair wages, and equal treatment.  Just as soilders of the United States military fight for our freedom, my great-grandfather and grandfather fought for our safe employment.  While some unions might have gone rogue --- everything has a chance of going rogue.  Overall, without unions or the threat of unions, working conditions, wages and treatment will return to the days of... well, let's just say I don't think any of us would want to work in those conditions.

While I am not part of a union and many of us are not.  I still believe all the unions benefit us in our jobs.  Without unions or the threat of unions, the boss man (I believe that is what they used to call them) can pay you want ever they want, provide you will unsafe working conditions, and fire you without due process.  Those conditions are no longer pleasant, but they would be that way everywhere.  The boss man would be in charge and only looking out for his profit.  I saw today where 90% of the worlds socks are made in Japan (I think - once again details the brain can't keep) at a weekly wage of $100 compared to the same US wage of $500 or something comparative.  Without Unions ... we could be the next Japan.

This brings me to the GOP vs. Democratic Party.  The GOP can campaign for change and the middle class, but once elected we can see that they vote along party lines... example Wisconsin.  Some say that it's not a GOP/Democratic thing, that we are all in this together.  However, I believe history will show most votes go along party lines which fall back to the parties primary beliefs.  Quite simply, those beliefs are GOP equals rich, Democratic equals everyone else.  Enough politics.

As I drove my granddaughter to HeadStart today 17 miles away from her home (34 round trip) - usually a bus takes her, I wondered if this was the best use of education dollars being spent on gas?  My daughter choose the federally funded HeadStart program over the sometimes state funded Pre-K program to ensure my granddaughter had an early education.  These programs are dire for the future of America.  I think the rationale of why my granddaughter or anyone must attend 17 miles from home should be investigated.

But, on the other hand, I am a proponent of school consolidation.  YIKES... I know I said it!  Being in education, I always ask myself - how does this benefit the students?  When small schools are struggling with giving students a solid basic (Reading, Writing and Arithmetic) curriculum, how can they hope to provide advanced opportunities?  Many states have county schools and I would like to research if students in these schools perform better or worse that students in neighborhood schools.  I still believe in neighborhood schools for K-6.  I also think year round school should be researched.  The nine month school year was devised at a time when students needed to help on their family farms... that was a long time ago... perhaps the education system should get with the 21st century.  Just sayin' - I don't have all the answers, just putting some ideas out there to the world or who ever reads blogs.  So much research so little time.

Final Thoughts
I hope I can go back to sleep soon... five hours just doesn't feel right.  I welcome your thoughts....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dee! I love your blog here. Very deliberate, intelligent thoughts and ideas. My grandfather was a coal miner, and several of my uncles and cousins were and are. Grandpa Scott died from lung cancer, and he had gotten black lung. When I look at pictures of the miners from long ago, with their blackened faces from the coal, it makes me cringe. I hate Union busting, and I too believe that Unions are an essential element of our employment arena. I have always been a "company" person as far as my jobs have gone, but after being in contract negotiations several times, I can truly appreciate the value of Unions.

    By the by, don't worry about the difference in being able to recall things quite so quickly or to retain information so easily as when one is younger. As we age, we have more important things on our minds than superfluous details, right? Good blog!!!
